Opportunity, education and mentorship



Our mission is to unite professionals and corporations worldwide in raising vital funds to provide education scholarships. By directing these resources, we are committed to expanding educational access for underprivileged South African children and enabling them to break free of the poverty cycle so many of them find themselves in.


Our vision at Ithuba is to unite a diverse and far-reaching community of professionals, strategically connected through annual charitable events, and global partnerships. With unwavering dedication, we strive to secure scholarships that open doors of educational opportunity for deserving learners across South Africa.

Through these scholarships, we are committed to laying a foundation for their personal growth, academic excellence, and future professional success. By empowering these children, we envision a brighter tomorrow where they, in turn, become catalysts of hope and positive change within their communities."


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Nelson Mandela



Ithuba was established in 2012 by a group of young professionals residing in London. Their aim was to address the limited educational opportunities faced by deserving South African students.

Initially, the organisation's activities centered around an annual luncheon held in London, where members contributed one-off donations. Over time, this modest initiative gained momentum, leading to the formation of chapters in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

The simplicity and efficacy of these gatherings facilitated student funding, professional networking and community building. They also served as a platform to share scholars' progress and tap into the resources of our members' alma maters.

The Covid pandemic prompted a pivotal shift. In the absence of traditional luncheons, our responsibility toward scholars became glaringly apparent. This prompted a necessary diversification of our fundraising methods to ensure consistent scholarship support.

Consequently, we established corporate partnerships through member networks and expanded our event calendar to include annual golf days in London, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. We are also beneficiaries of Salubrious Sports Day in London, a 400 person annual event set up by South African’s to raise funds for charitable purposes in South African.

In 2022, our collective efforts raised R800,000, supporting 28 scholarship recipients. Beyond financial aid, our scholars find assurance in the sustainability of their education. This assurance is backed by robust governance structures and capital adequacy ratios, designed to navigate unforeseen challenges.


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